

In this section you will find links to the most common Florida Statutes and Administrative code relating to manufactured housing. We have also archived items relating to legal matters that have been addressed in the past by FMO Attorneys. These brief answers have proven a valuable resource to HOAs in trying to answer the myriad of questions raised by residents. Members can gain valuable insight to their rights & responsibilities as well. The largest problems & disagreements between park owner and resident in land-lease parks can usually be traced to one party or the other not understanding the laws that govern the relationship.

You must exercise caution in the application of what you read here. The answers are factual and relate to the statutes at the time they were written. The statutes underwent significant changes in 2016 and any reference before that should be compared carefully to the current statute. Circumstances in the example addressed may differ from those in your situation. In all cases the presentation of these opinions does not constitute legal advice.

We have also put a list of attorneys who have who have consented to their inclusion on this list and have experience in the representation of clients under chapter 723, Florida Statutes (Florida Mobile Home Act)

If you are an attorney or know an attorney practicing in this area who would like to be included on this list please contact us.